Amanda Loura’s Story

Published 2 years ago -

Joe Letizio Arts and En­ter­tain­ment ed­i­tor 

For those who do not know Amanda Loura, she is currently attending Drexel University and is majoring in Music Industry Business. While music is not only something that she is passionate about but has been her entire life, this can be seen through the various clubs she is associated with. From Dragon Concert Series, to WKDU Radio Station she lives and breathes for the music industry!


Although Drexel was not her first choice when it came to picking a college, it is where she fell in love, after visiting the school she developed an understanding of how astonishing the institute truly is.

After stepping foot on campus, she quickly became a part of several different clubs through Dragon Link, through this link she was able to access the several different clubs the college had to offer. From there she then emailed Dragon Concert to become a part of their team as well as DragonFly. For those who don’t know DragonFly is a  concert which hosts 2k people. (Through DragonFly each team member needs to go through an interview process), after Amanda went through the process she was selected to be an event planner. Following this opportunity, she then started working on various projects such as a dj battle event which will take place on March 5! (Through this process, she had to find vendors, and DJ’s and gather contracts among other necessary documents).


The most important lesson she feels like is important to grasp is having clear communication! (In addition to this, it is important to understand how to write up an email, and provide your qualifications as well as resources that you can provide the individual you are looking to interview).

Women In Music:

Through this organization she was able to after applying join in on various seminars/panels. To learn more about this organization, (click here).

Mad Dragon:

For those who do not know, Mad Dragon is a record label formed at Drexel University. While juniors at the institute run the program, she hopes to have a prominent role in the next following years!

Grammy U:

For those who do not know, Grammy U was used to help develop those pursuing a career in the recording industry. If you are interested (click here). After Amanda applied, she was then asked to become a campus ambassador. 

Jonas Group Entertainment:

If you are a fan of the Jonas Brothers then you should look into joining the Jonas Group Entertainment! Currently Amanda is a street team member, and through this she is able to access monthly zooms, and learns how to promote. 

Fan To Band:

An interesting fact about Fan To Band is that Amanda’s friend helped start this organization. Through this organization she was able to network with Universal and Atlantic Records! Through this organization, she has weekly tasks and is allowed to connect with various individuals from product development to strategy teams. 

Skylyne Music Group:

Amanda found this internship through LinkedIn, an interesting fact about this organization is that the founder is a Drexel alum. To learn more about this music group (click here).


While she wanted to be a singer when she was younger her mother suggested otherwise, in high school she went to various concerts. One reason she fell in love with music was through noticing how it affects people’s moods, among other things.


If she is not in the studio or going to a club meeting she is practicing the guitar or the french horn.


Her mentors include professors, and a friend she has who is in a boy band.


Amanda’s fashion compliments the way she feels although she tends to lean towards a more edgy look she does also like dressing up nicely. She then has expressed to me that she is involved on campus with the retail design club, through this club they share fashion tips and trends. 


From tv to music, she enjoys getting inspiration from a wide range of influences. When she was younger she was a professional actress and was in a car ad. 

Average day:

After waking up right before class, she then begins to work on various assignments after or during class. From then on she then works on homework between classes, and usually has one or two club meetings a day.


She wants to obtain a summer internship and work at a record label as a copy writer or publisher. 

If you want to follow this impressive individual follow the links below!

Instagram (click here) | Clubhouse @amandaloura

(If you haven’t yet go download Clubhouse today)!

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