A Hound's Thoughts Club Fair 2021: The Importance of Staying Involved Published 1 year ago - Online Editor By: Tyler Cullen, Class of 2022 Copy Editor September 2nd marked the annual Assumption University Club Fair. With the club fair comes the ongoing reminder of the importance of staying involved on campus. No matter what grade you are in there are always opportunities to meet new people and engage in a variety of different interest groups. Not only that, but clubs help students find a purpose on campus and allow them to express themselves to a greater extent. With the majority of students coming back on campus, clubs will also be a huge part of finding some sense of normalcy in the chaos. Whether students join clubs to give back to the community, help other students, or simply to have fun there is always something worth signing up for. Managing and organizing club activities was extremely difficult during the pandemic and put a lot of stress on the student body. Students had to be innovative and communicate in a totally different way in order to maintain their club’s relevance. With that being said, now that the focus is back on campus it is not simply about the different types of clubs, rather it is about restoring what was lost during the hardships caused by the pandemic. It would be easy to delve deep into what each club actually does and why students should join because in all honesty every club on campus really brings something meaningful to the table. However, the feeling of clubs being active on campus again is a lot more difficult to fully grasp. It also goes without saying that this year will be the first in-person club fair for a large handful of students which makes it that much more important. Being a part of several clubs myself and also having executive positions within those clubs has really opened my eyes when it comes to understanding the importance of first impressions and making sure students feel welcomed to each club. Due to the great importance of clubs this year even if students are not able to attend the club fair it is still worth reaching out to club executives and asking for information about the club. One cool feature on the Assumption University app is that it shows all of the active clubs on campus and a valid contact or person to reach out to if there are any questions. This will be extremely helpful in making sure students put their best foot forward and stay as involved as possible. It will also be important that students who do plan on attending club meetings still stick to the Covid guidelines as those will also be important when it comes to retaining some sense of normalcy on campus. For seniors especially, this is your last year to get involved or to try something new, or to discover a new hobby. It will only get busier from here and being at school allows students to get out of their comfort zone, which will inevitably help when it comes to entering into the professional world. Looking at the bigger picture, joining clubs and experiencing new things is also part of the overall liberal arts experience. Although classes are aimed at introducing students to new ideas, clubs touch upon the areas that classes are not able to. Clubs also tend to offer a very hands-on experience that allows students to collaborate and discuss freely. Overall, joining a club is one of the best things any student can do on campus. Clubs will also play an integral role when it comes to making sure the Assumption community is back and thriving. 22 recommended Share ShareTweetSharePin it