Accepting Reality

Published 4 years ago -

Sarina Nassar – Staff Writer

Accepting that this is my last year at Assumption College has been hard because it is nothing like I imagined it would be when I was an incoming freshman. I always thought I would be living with the friends I made my freshman year. The ones I swore would be in my life forever; the ones I would have late night conversations with about how we are going to live together senior year and how we were going to be each other’s bridesmaids; the ones I used to laugh and get into trouble with every day.

Starting off as a biology major was really hard for me, I struggled a lot with it. Pulling all-nighters became a regular thing for me. I was always tired and stressed out because I hated my major. I lacked motivation because I did not know exactly what I wanted to do with my life but I didn’t worry too much since I had time. I imagined my career choice would be set in stone once senior year hit and that I would have it all figured out.

I also thought I would have at least been in one relationship with someone I met in college. I imagined I would have someone to go to Taylor Dining Hall with on Saturday mornings, or get dinner at Chucks with. Someone to show me off the way I’d show them off and someone that would have people thinking, “They are such a cute couple.”

The reality is, many relationships and feelings are temporary but filled with beneficial and necessary life lessons that lead you to your true destiny and your real friends.

No, I do not have the same friends I had as a freshman, no I have not found love at Assumption and no I definitely do not have it all figured out. But, I love my life. I love the person I am becoming. I love the people in my life now, though I do miss some old friends because I was never a fan of change.

I have not found love on campus, but because of the experiences I have had here with guys, I became the type of woman I once aspired to be. The type who knows what she wants and is not afraid to say it; the type who can say no and knows her worth; the type of woman who knows she does not have to lower her standards because she can have everything she’s ever wanted and deserves.

Something I am so grateful to have learned in the last three years is to be okay with change and accept the things I did not see coming. On those dark days when I couldn’t imagine things getting better, I met better, and I became better.

Though there is always more to learn, I am happy with my progress thus far. There is not much I can say I regret. However, I do encourage all college students to live their college experience to the fullest. Enjoy everything, the parties, the people, the dorm rooms—because things do change, feelings do change.

The day will come when you are preparing for senior pictures, going out for senior week or maybe even writing an article in the senior column. It is then that you will realize your chapter at Assumption College is coming to an end, but a new chapter is now beginning.

Sarina Nassar, a senior, studies Psychology. She is a staff writer for Le Provocateur.

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