Sarcastic But Serious

Published 1 year ago -

Joe Letizio Arts and En­ter­tain­ment ed­i­tor

I was able to connect with Connor previously and ask her about her experience as a podcaster and producer during which I was able to get a better idea of who she is and what her podcast is about. From choreography gigs to planning other various events she is busy, to say the least. While she remains busy she likes the pressure as it helps her perform her best and pushes her creativity.

“I am a good communicator, I have taught choreography lessons to people from 6 to 18 years old. The drawback is learning how to balance work & life as it feels like it is hard to take a break sometimes.”

Work Environment

Though it may be hard for her to find time to take breaks she prefers to not work in an office or work from home the most important thing to her is that she is able to work with like-minded people to accomplish the task at hand. Due to this, her biggest influences are her friends amongst several other individuals. Following this, she said the biggest risk she ever took was transferring to UCO. Before she transferred she had a tough year academically, originally she was set to attend OU and built a community of people before she got to school but over the course of two years, she had enough.

“I still remember it like it was yesterday, I finalized the application paperwork for UCO while in Austria. After I got back I then went to an Ed Sheehan concert then started school at UCO.” 

Sarcastic But Serious

After we discussed her plans after she graduated I then asked her about her podcast. She said I started this with my friend it was completely new to us and we had to learn from the get-go. For those who are unfamiliar with the podcast, it is about two twenty-year-olds trying to figure out life.

For those wishing to listen to the podcast:

(Google) |(Apple) | (Spotify)

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