Rising Artist from Dixon Springs, Tennessee

Published 2 years ago -

Joe Letizio Arts and En­ter­tain­ment ed­i­tor 

What led to you creating Smith Custom Music?

I’ve learned that music is never ending. There’s always a new sound, a new frequency to generate a whole new energy and that’s what I need to really peak my energy. Is that feeling of always achieving something new. 

Do you have any mentors?

Mentor yes, Leon Cale my producer from deltona Florida, also has a website where you can check him out called [Caleproductions.Com]

What does an average day look like?

To me mostly my days pass with ease, work three or four hours a day if Mother Nature lets me, then I’m relaxed back at home creating music and perfecting my art! 

What are your strengths & weaknesses? 

Seeing people needing help, seeing someone hurt or getting burnt that should’ve never done wrong in the first place. Having a big heart in a cold world really puts me in the dark sometimes. While his strengths are being blessed with the mind I have to help and communicate with others to help them out of a situation that needs attention to put them in a better position in life.  

How do I work under pressure?

I feel I work mighty swell under tight conditions, me finding myself a big adrenaline junkie I guess you could say but working under pressure really makes my day I find myself up for the challenge anytime!

What is one of the greatest things you were ever taught? 

My plans for the future. Simple! Be all that I can be, every day that comes my way! To make a good successful living and live life to the fullest! Create music, and help my family business grow to the best of my ability! 

What are your thoughts on social media?

I feel like social Media can be good and it can be bad. It helps advertise in many ways and of course it can ruin a lot of people’s day, so I’m back and forth on social media. I try to stay off as much as I can. 



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