Stay Productive During Remote Learning

Published 2 years ago -

Sydney TappanAssistant Editor-in-Chief / Campus Life Editor

Right now, I along with many others, find it more than difficult to stay focused and motivated while we sit at home distracted by things that are more interesting than the work in front of us. Doing homework seems like a bigger task than rearranging your whole room or watching an entire Netflix series. Nonetheless, it is important to stay on top of things to ensure the security of your education and occupation life post COVID-19. Here are some of the things that I have attempted to stay on top of to keep productive and positive for the future.


Establish a Routine: While we are stuck in a Groundhog Day-esque lifestyle it is important to establish a routine. Whether that be waking up at the same time every day and making your bed or having a nighttime ritual, its crucial to follow a schedule so you don’t lose track of your time and end up feeling like you just wasted away the day. I recommend writing down a list of things you’d like to accomplish for the day so that you’re able to check them off as you go. I find this makes me feel both more productive and less lost. It can be as simple as checking off that you got up and got your day started with a cup of coffee.


Resume Work: An important but tedious task is working on your resume. While we sit at home or in our dorms, it’s easy to waste our time on TikTok or Instagram but ultimately won’t help us get our dream jobs. Whether you are just making a resume for the first time or you have a well-established one there’s always work to be done. If you’re just starting remember everyone has something they can put down, whether that be a club, sport, or just something you’re good at. Not a promotion but the CDIC is great for helping in this department and are flexible with making Zoom appointments.


Apply for Internships: After the whole resume portion of this check list is done, it’s also a good idea to apply for internships that could help expand that “Work Experience” portion of your resume. Now is a great time to apply because an abundance of places are hiring interns for remote positions. LinkedIn is a great place to connect with potential employers as well as Handshake.


Plan your Classes: That time of semester is finally here again. For some of us, including me, this will be our last class registration, a bittersweet milestone in our college career. Though it seems all I’ve done is make a list of monotonous tasks, they serve a purpose and assist in our progression. Class registration is just a few weeks away and between the stress of classes and midterms planning for next semester can easily slip one’s mind. So make sure you’re planning your classes and are contact with your advisor. This can easily prevent extra stress by taking care of your classes ahead of time and ensuring you’re all set with your registration time.


Stay Active: Staying active is hard enough when people are able to go to a gym and work out let alone when gyms are closed and motivation is lost. But thankfully since quarantine, many fitness experts have released their fitness routines online for free, to both YouTube and their websites. Almost all videos and workout can be done from home with little to no equipment. Everyone needs a little escape from the pressures of online learning and a little bit of exercise or a walk for fresh air is a great way to decompress.

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